Hi Martin.
First of all: THANK YOU! The link you provided led me down a trail to a Federal Reserve data repository (the source used by the bloggers you referenced). Here it is: https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/scf/dataviz/scf/chart/#series:Retirement_Accounts;demographic:agecl;population:1,2,3,4,5,6;units:median
This looks like excellent data and has both median and mean broken down in a lot of different ways. I’m working on another article that can use data from this and I have you to thank for that.
Regarding my article, and your prior message (thanks for that too), the new data would make the retirement savings numbers even more intimidating for the readers. The mean from the Fed data in the oldest category is about $400k per retiree (for retirement accounts only) while Fidelity had it at $229k.
To your point though, the MEDIAN is the best and that falls into the neighborhood of just $100k or so.
Regardless of all that, the overriding message of my article and all the data, either Fidelity or Fed Reserve, is to SAVE MORE AND SAVE SOONER! And I did provide some helpful charts and tips for that.
I’m glad to hear you’re above the median.
Future articles will include more reliable data now that I have the Fed Reserve link. Thanks again for that.